Our mission is to grow in faith and discipleship, share the Good News of Jesus through word and deed, love others as Christ loves us, and celebrate life in Christ through worship, sacraments and service.
We are a community of believers who come together in:
✞ Worship to be transformed by the presence of Jesus Christ in and through God's gift of Word and Sacrament.
✞ Christian Education to deepen our faith and strengthen us in faithful service, trusting in the creative activity of the Holy Spirit.
✞ Friendship to celebrate our unity in Christ and sustain and nurture each other as we journey with Him in our day-to-day lives.
✞ Stewardship to gratefully use the time, talents and possessions we have been given in furthering God's mission in response to Jesus' call and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
✞ Evangelism to share the Jesus story so that others may come to know God's reconciling grace and the peace, joy and hope that his divine grace gives.
✞ Social Ministry to respond to the spiritual, mental and physical needs of our neighbors and advocate for the poor, hungry and vulnerable peoples of the world
Our Building Maintenance Team and Sextons
The Rev. Althea Seidel, Pastor
Paul "P.J." Copenhaver, Minister of Music, Choir Director and Cantor
Heather Buffington, Bell Choir Director
Heather Buffington has been directing the bell choirs for about 35 years. She recently retired from teaching elementary music in the Northern Lebanon School District for 36 years. Nick and Ben (her two sons) both live in Florida. Ben's son, Indigo calls her Gram!
Christine Paradise, Organist.
Stephanie Kaylor, Church Administrator
Brad Bishop, Treasurer
Denise Rhoade Jim Logan Jay Brown